Monday, October 25, 2010

APME: A missed opportunity

by: Anthony Gaenzle

When I graduated from film school, a few years back, I was told that the contacts that I meet and keep would be the key to my success. I took that advice and I ran with it and I enjoyed a fairly decent career in the film and television industry.

Four years removed from that world, I am about to graduate with a degree in Mass Communication. My focus is news editorial, which affords one the belief that I should be jumping at every opportunity to meet with people in my field who might end up being a lifeline to a job.

With the APME Convention only one day away, I drove home to Orlando, where I live, with the intention of waking up early, doing a little pre game preparation to make myself look presentable, and then driving to St. Petersburg with high aspirations. The plan did not go as expected, and I ended up missing an excellent opportunity.

I am using this forum to express, to anyone who might read this, the importance of making contacts and not missing chances. I am sure those of you who were able to attend made the most of it, but I was unable to.

My car, actually my girlfriend's car, seems to experience issues with the transmission about every 6 months. Overconfident due to nearly 8 months with no issues, I decided to take her car to St. Pete, while she drove my car to work (my car that works 100% with no isssues, knock on wood).

Long story short, the transmission issued reared its ugly head and prevented me from making the drive. I missed out on the perfect chance to make the contacts that might just help me make a smooth transition from college to career.

The lesson that I learned is to always be prepared. If I had been prepared and taken the right automobile, the story that I am telling you now would be different.

And on top of that, I now risk earning a P - on my blog. Woe is me! So please, heed my warning and make sure that you take every opportunity that is handed to you!

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