Sunday, March 21, 2010

A New Approach at The Crossings Church

By: Anthony Gaenzle

BRANDON, Fla. -- When Pastor Greg Dumas spoke Sunday to a mass of churchgoers, it was anything but ordinary.

The former University of Missouri football player, and graduate from the School of Education, takes a different approach to church.

Dressed in a short sleeve button down shirt, and jeans, Dumas takes the stage with a charismatic smile. There are no robes, and no cloth adorned pulpit, just a microphone and a man with a vision.

"A lot of things need to change about the church," Dumas said. "A lot of good things are being done, but there are many things that need change."

During the sermon, Dumas also spoke of the importance of a parent's role in their child's life. A concerned father himself, he cited the lack of values in our society as one of the leading causes for the "corruption of our youth."

Upon entering the church one might think that they have mistakenly walked into a rock concert. Guitar wielding musicians belt out tunes with a positive message, in the style of many of today's popular rock music artists.

"The whole experience is just uplifting," says Marilyn Vasquez. "I just moved here a year ago and the friends I made here have made it so much easier for me."

Another Attendee, Greg Steinke said, "The music was a bit overwhelming at first, but there's no pressure to participate." Steinke has been a member of The Crossing Church since its inception.

The crowded parking lot, traffic being directed by off duty police officers, was a testament to the church's popularity.

A new trend is rising among today's churches, approaching services in this manner, with the hope of attracting a broader following and to spread their intended message.

For more information on The Crossing Church and Pastor Dumas, go to
